I've learned a lot about printing options (papers, finishes, color adjustments, etc.) and even more about framing (in particular that it seems to be a nightmare). I've realized that I like making slightly-panoramic images, which most normal frames and matting material dimesions don't seem to believe should exist. I ended up having to cut a lot of my own mat boards and fit them into more standard sized frames on short notice, which made me rethink some of my sizing/dimension choices in future photos.
The opening night itself was pretty fun, if not profitable. My kindergarten teacher (from 25 years ago?) showed up to see me and my photos, which was mind blowing in itself and made the show worth doing. I had some great conversations with some of the attendees about my photos, and people were interested in purchasing them in different sizes online, but didn't see any off the wall yet. The exhibition will be up for another week or so, but it is only open upon a requested/scheduled viewing. If anyone wants to hang out and hear the stories behind the photos, you can either contact me or the gallery to request a viewing through the 16th. I'm also going to be doing another mini-gallery in Lake Oswego on May 6th. I play french horn in the Lake Oswego Millennium Concert Band, and during every performance there are booths for local artists set up in the lobby for patrons to visit. Whatever prints I still have from the Brassworks Gallery will get to be displayed at that concert/gallery event as well. I'm also trying to get set up in some other galleries in the area, but it's early on in the process right now.
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Hans Ogren Photography LLC ©2021
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