Hey all,
This is my new photo blog! I'll be using this to post new photos from hikes, events, etc. I'll talk about how, why, and what I did to take the various pictures that I post. For instance! The photo of the Moon over Jefferson Memorial was taken while I was visiting Washington DC with the community band that I play with. We had gone there for a few performances, but we finally had some free time the last evening before we had to get on the plane back to Oregon. We were walking along the waterfront from MLK's memorial to Roosevelt's, when this photo opportunity emerged. I had been dragging around my tripod for longer exposure shots in the dim evening light, and set up at the edge of the water. I used my zoom lens (Nikkor 18-200) to help fill the frame with the Jefferson Memorial and the moon, and took 3 bracketed images (one underexposed, one correctly exposed, and one overexposed). Once I got back home, I used Lightroom/Photoshop to compile the 3 images together into one. This is called HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography, and helps get rid of darker shadows or blown up bright spots in photos. If I had this photo to do over again, I would probably pull out a littler further to get the full reflection of the memorial building in the water, and maybe the moon as well. If I had pulled far enough back for the reflection of the moon though, you would have to print the image pretty large to get the moon and the building to be large enough to see clearly.
Hans Ogren Photography LLC ©2021
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